I have successfully germinate one pumpkin seed out of 3 that I've started with. The seed start to sprout very abruptly, like bursting from the shell and imediately you can see leafs coming out. While I was transplanting it to a bigger pot, the root look huge and hairy... kind of like spiders legs. Quite scary looking.

Now it has 3 leafs, notice the new leave changes shape with a more roundish shape, kind of like a heart shape.

My pumpkin is not those orange one that you see during halloween or fairy mother transform it to a Cinderella's carriage... mine is the smaller one that is greenish color which they called it 'Kabocha' or Japanese pumpkin. It should look something like this

Picture taken from Wisteria of GSC forum

Pumpkin, like sunflower, love a full sun but doesn't really need so much water. It is important the soil is able to drain water away quickly. Some people in the United States especially, actually grow those orange pumpkin up to 500++ pounds, that is like almost about 200kg.

Here are some picture of my baby pumpkin plant which germinate about 7 days ago..

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